Hiking Trips,  Training

Ralston Peak, High Sierra, South Lake Tahoe


Roundtrip: 6.6 miles
Gain: 2791′
Temperature: 70-90F
Trail & Map View

This hike was brutal because of the heat! I do have real issues with that! While my boyfriend was carrying rocks in his backpack and almost sprinting up, I was dragging behind with a HR of 165. I was also carrying some weight (14-15lb): the dog and water. But not nearly as much as I should usually! I also didn’t sleep that well because we camped in the car and it wasn’t very comfortable. In addition our dog snores so loud that all night I thought there are bears around and freaked out!

Overall the hike is nice and easy! You could also run it as there are no boulders or rocks and it’s not even that steep. Maybe just the last half a mile! Great views at the top!
I recommend it for training and for great views!

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