Hiking Trips,  Training

California Mount Hood


Roundtrip: 6.3 miles
Gain: 1929′
Temperature: 80-90F
Trail & Map View

We are trying hard to find hikes around SF so we won’t have to drive that much or camp. However, without that much luck. This hike is good to train but not as great compare to Sierras or Washington (what I’m used to).
I was seeing today pictures from my friends in Wa from hikes with great views and better than anywhere around here. You should check it out: Mount Fremont and Baring Mountain.

This hike is covered most of the way up. If you take the South part of the loop (lower on the map)! Which is nice in a hot day like we had! Around 90s! Again I was carrying my dog all the way up this time because he was overheating! And again my boyfriend was carrying rocks and sprinting to the top!
The hike is pretty mellow until the last part at the top. For less than half a mile it was pretty steep! I actually enjoyed that part!

On the way down we took the other side of the loop which is not covered, it’s outside the forest! That means it has better views but you are all the way in the sun!
I recommend doing the loop as it’s nice to have the change!